Elementor beta update 3.13

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The Elementor team has recently released a beta version 3.13 of their popular page builder plugin for WordPress. This new version includes some exciting features and improvements that are sure to make website building even easier and more efficient. Let’s take a closer look at some of the key updates:

  1. Enhanced Custom Fonts Elementor now allows users to add custom fonts to their websites without needing to upload font files. Instead, users can simply copy and paste the font’s URL, and Elementor will automatically fetch the font from the internet and make it available for use on the website. This is a major time-saver for web designers who want to use custom fonts but don’t want to go through the hassle of uploading font files.
  2. Improved Workflow for Global Colors and Typography The new version of Elementor includes a simplified workflow for managing global colors and typography settings. Now, users can easily access and edit these settings from a single location, making it easier to maintain consistency across the website.
  3. Improved Custom Code Control Elementor’s Custom Code control has been enhanced to provide more control over how custom code is loaded on the website. Users can now choose to load custom code in the page header, footer, or both, depending on their needs. This feature is particularly useful for advanced users who want to add custom code to their websites, such as tracking scripts or custom CSS.
  4. New Media Carousel Widget The beta version of Elementor 3.13 includes a new Media Carousel widget, which allows users to display images and videos in a responsive carousel. This widget is fully customizable, with options to adjust the layout, navigation, and animation effects.
  5. Improved Performance Elementor 3.13 beta includes several performance improvements, including faster loading times for the editor and front-end, and reduced memory usage when working with large websites. These improvements will make website building even faster and more efficient.

In conclusion, the beta version 3.13 of Elementor includes several exciting new features and improvements that will make website building easier and more efficient. The enhanced custom fonts, improved global colors and typography, improved custom code control, new Media Carousel widget, and improved performance are just a few of the key updates that users can look forward to. If you’re an Elementor user, be sure to check out the beta version 3.13 to experience these updates firsthand!